81 research outputs found

    Model of eight pillars of the Management of Information and Communication Technologies for SMEs companies in Costa Rica with a continuous improvement emphasis

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    The Information Technologies play a key role in organizations in decision -making. Proper management of these is essential to achieve optimization of resources used. The proposal of the eight main pillars for the Management of Information Technology shows how to address the different components mentioned comprehensively achieving that knowledge flows and establishes concrete actions to implement them , taking into consideration the strategic planning for allocation resources and functions , the appropriate definition of processes and services; taking into account the risks associated with information security and establishing the necessary controls to promote continuous improvement ; all this to ensure business continuity. The eight pillars have been defined on three main Perspectives, the first is the ICT Governance within which the first three components are located: Strategic Planning, IT alignment with business and Project Definition and Management. As a second important perspective is the IT Operative where it is located: the Identification and Mapping of Processes, the Definition of Services by processes and the allocation of Roles, Responsibilities and Resources. And as a third perspective IT Assurance which contains Information Security (Risks and Controls) and Business Continuity.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Modelo para fomentar el aprendizaje activo en las Plataformas LMS con base en Design Thinking y la Taxonomía de Bloom con un enfoque ágil

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    Se plantea un modelo que ayuda a fomentar el aprendizaje activo en las plataformas LMS para este caso particular Moodle. Como principal herramienta se utiliza el Design Thinking o Diseño del Pensamiento combinado con los verbos de la taxonomía pues con ello ofrece mayor claridad al estudiante de como abordar un problema o caso y todo lo vincula a través de un enfoque ágil.A model that helps to promote active learning in the LMS platforms for this particular Moodle case is proposed. Design Thinking or Design of Thinking combined with the verbs of the taxonomy is used as the main tool, since it offers greater clarity to the student on how to approach a problem or case and links everything through an agile approach

    Modelo de 8 pilares para las Pymes de TIC´s, una mirada en retrospectiva.

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    Las tecnologías de la información desempeñan un papel clave en las organizaciones en la toma de decisiones. El manejo adecuado de estos es esencial para lograr la optimización de los recursos utilizados. La propuesta de los ocho pilares principales para la Gestión de la Tecnología de la Información muestra cómo abordar los diferentes componentes mencionados, logrando que fluya el conocimiento y establece acciones concretas para implementarlos, tomando en consideración la planificación estratégica de los recursos y funciones de asignación, la definición adecuada de procesos y servicios; tomando en cuenta los riesgos asociados con la seguridad de la información y estableciendo los controles necesarios para promover la mejora continua; todo esto para garantizar la continuidad del negocio. Esta retrospectiva del modelo ayudará a comprender cómo funciona el modelo y qué herramientas y técnicas se utilizan para respaldar su gestión adecuada. También se puede ver los otros componentes, como el acompañamiento y la plataforma web, que garantizan una implementación adecuada

    Modelo de evaluación de la madurez de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación, con base en el modelo de 8 pilares para la gestión, Costa Rica

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    La Gestión de las Tecnologías ha venido en una creciente evolución. Es un área que combina conocimientos de ingeniería, administración y ciencia, con el objetivo de planificar y desarrollar soluciones tecnológicas que contribuyan a los objetivos estratégicos de una empresa. Un modelo de madurez es un mapa que guía a la organización en la implementación de buenas prácticas, ofreciendo un punto de partida para una organización y les facilita el camino que las empresas deben seguir para desarrollar sus procesos internos y llevarlos a niveles más competitivos. El objetivo de este trabajo es que tomando como base los 8 pilares para la Gestión definidos por la autora en años anteriores, ahora se pueda mostrar la forma en como el modelo de madurez se establece y funciona de una manera adecuada para que las pequeñas y medianas empresas del país orientadas a trabajar en áreas de tecnología como su fuente primaria, puedan fortalecerse y ser catalizadoras en los procesos base de la organización. Primeramente, se realiza un diagnóstico inicial con una serie de preguntas segmentada por tipo de empresa y nivel de madurez,y luego se determina mediante una serie de cálculos matemáticos en qué posición se sitúa la empresa y cuál es su nivel de madurez.Complementariamente para avanzar a los siguientes niveles de madurez, se facilitan las acciones y herramientas requeridas para el fortalecimiento de sus procesos internos y facilitar la mejora continua

    First results from the AugerPrime Radio Detector

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    Update of the Offline Framework for AugerPrime

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    A search for ultra-high-energy photons at the Pierre Auger Observatory exploiting air-shower universality

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is the most sensitive detector to primary photons with energies above ∼0.2 EeV. It measures extensive air showers using a hybrid technique that combines a fluorescence detector (FD) with a ground array of particle detectors (SD). The signatures of a photon-induced air shower are a larger atmospheric depth at the shower maximum (Xmax_{max}) and a steeper lateral distribution function, along with a lower number of muons with respect to the bulk of hadron-induced background. Using observables measured by the FD and SD, three photon searches in different energy bands are performed. In particular, between threshold energies of 1-10 EeV, a new analysis technique has been developed by combining the FD-based measurement of Xmax_{max} with the SD signal through a parameter related to its muon content, derived from the universality of the air showers. This technique has led to a better photon/hadron separation and, consequently, to a higher search sensitivity, resulting in a tighter upper limit than before. The outcome of this new analysis is presented here, along with previous results in the energy ranges below 1 EeV and above 10 EeV. From the data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory in about 15 years of operation, the most stringent constraints on the fraction of photons in the cosmic flux are set over almost three decades in energy

    Study on multi-ELVES in the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Since 2013, the four sites of the Fluorescence Detector (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory record ELVES with a dedicated trigger. These UV light emissions are correlated to distant lightning strikes. The length of recorded traces has been increased from 100 μs (2013), to 300 μs (2014-16), to 900 μs (2017-present), to progressively extend the observation of the light emission towards the vertical of the causative lightning and beyond. A large fraction of the observed events shows double ELVES within the time window, and, in some cases, even more complex structures are observed. The nature of the multi-ELVES is not completely understood but may be related to the different types of lightning in which they are originated. For example, it is known that Narrow Bipolar Events can produce double ELVES, and Energetic In-cloud Pulses, occurring between the main negative and upper positive charge layer of clouds, can induce double and even quadruple ELVES in the ionosphere. This report shows the seasonal and daily dependence of the time gap, amplitude ratio, and correlation between the pulse widths of the peaks in a sample of 1000+ multi-ELVES events recorded during the period 2014-20. The events have been compared with data from other satellite and ground-based sensing devices to study the correlation of their properties with lightning observables such as altitude and polarity

    Event-by-event reconstruction of the shower maximum XmaxX_{\mathrm{max}} with the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory using deep learning

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    Reconstruction of Events Recorded with the Water-Cherenkov and Scintillator Surface Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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